I am not a Social Media Manager or an Advertising and Marketing Manager or all those labels that, together, say little about me.
I am an intuitive, perhaps overly impulsive person.
I am a content devourer, hyperconnected and voracious for innovation.
I am desperately and inexplicably optimistic.
I am a night owl, addicted to TV series, and increasingly nearsighted.
I am obsessed with cinema in all its forms.
I am a fan of Nicolas Cage, and you will not change my mind.
I am deeply passionate about beach volleyball and will play it as long as my body allows.
I am a Plant Lover, and I turn the places I inhabit into forests.
This is me, with all my experiences, my anxieties, my joys, my victories, my failures, and my comebacks. A normal person who, in their work, transforms voracious energy into tenacity and the drive to constantly set new goals, always striving to go beyond.